Luglio 4, 2024

Ensuring Compliance: Regulatory Standards for Successful CIPP Lining Projects

There are a number of things that local governments, councils, engineering firms, and clients look for when seeking solutions to a damaged material, or quotes on construction project work in a building or nearby infrastructure.

One of those things are compliance with health and safety standards, and an assurance that the materials being used have been tested and deemed appropriate for the intended use.

Which is where ASTM comes in.


Introducing ASTM standards

ASTM stands for American Society for Testing and Materials. It is a global organisation that has developed and provides standards for countless industries, helping companies and manufacturers to develop and share solutions which are safe to use, and which meet the standards observed in the industry.

ASTM is not a regulatory organisation and so offers standards advice on a voluntary basis. Members of the organisation can choose to follow the advice but are not legally required to do so. Having said that, if a government or regulatory body then references the work of ASTM as part of a standardisation process, the voluntary advice becomes a legal requirement by reference.

In short, ASTM standards are standalone regulations which companies can and should aim to meet and follow when developing a project. The role of ASTM is important in that it has built the foundation for many regulations across countless industries over the years, including the toy industry and other corporations.

But what does this have to do with CIPP solutions?


What are the regulatory requirements for CIPP liners?

Because ASTM and its members are committed to combining science and experience with good judgement to improve the integrity, performance, and efficiency of countless products and solutions, it follows that any advice and regulatory guidance shared by ASTM in light of CIPP liners is beneficial.

The advice that connects CIPP liners with ASTM advice tends to focus on the use of liners and where and when they should be employed.

For example, the ASTM states that best practice around any ageing waste drainage network or water system is to rehabilitate and reinstate the hygiene of these pipes using a solution like a CPP liner. Not only does creating a new layer inside the pipe help to support the hygiene measures of the pipe, but it also regenerates the strength and stability of the pipe.

Another area of focus for ASTM standards is to check the integration of the resin and its consistency in liners of all sizes, as well as the process and optimal timings for pipe liners to be installed, activated, and then restored to full functional use.

Those who wish to utilise CIPP solutions should be equipped with comprehensive training or else offered hands-on support by a reputable professional (such as a member of the Insituform engineering team) to minimise any risks involved with incorrect installation.


What are the risks of CIPP solutions?

If you’re reading this then we probably don’t need to tell you the benefits of CIPP liners and solutions. CIPP liners save time and money and get pipes back up and running without causing damage and disruption to the surrounding environment and infrastructure.

With this extensive and beneficial solution comes a need to recognise the potential risks, including not installing the pipe liner correctly, not activating the resin efficiently, and not selecting the right solution for your issue.In addition to these, it’s also important to consider any emissions and waste produced through the installation of CIPP liners and any impact this has on local air pollution. 

Insituform emphasises recycling through every stage of the manufacturing process, however air emissions need to be monitored to remain under the regulatory levels for clean air standards. This tends to be approached on a local basis, with regulatory agencies tasked with monitoring levels and considering not just the way resin is used but the impact its activation has on the surrounding air.


CIPP as a solution for infrastructure repair

In the grand scheme of things, CIPP solutions set out to provide a less invasive and more sustainable solution to traditional pipe excavation and replacement.

The ASTM and other regulatory bodies outline the best ways of optimising the rollout and use of CIPP solutions, airing on the side of caution when it comes to air pollution and emissions. The best way to minimise risks associated with longevity and the efficiency of the repair work using CIPP liners is to work with a reputable company like Insituform to upskill existing engineers and utilise the available skills of trained professionals.

Get in touch for more information.

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