Luglio 29, 2024

CIPP vs. SIPP Lining: Which Technology is Right For Your Project?

Trenchless technology is on the rise, not least due to its positive impact on project timelines and the efficiency of pipe rehabilitation. While traditional pipe replacement methods require excavation and place a major strain on local infrastructure for residents and businesses, trenchless technology provides solutions that can be managed without breaking ground – requiring only access to one end of the pipe and a comprehensive understanding of the damage that needs fixing.

At Insituform, we are the founding pioneers – and the industry leaders – in CIPP solutions. CIPP, also known as a Cured-In-Place Pipe solution, is a method through which a specially designed felt is fed into a damaged pipe and then flooded with warm water or steam. The heat activates a resin contained within the felt, which fixes itself to the inner walls of the pipe and creates a brand new layer of pipe within the existing structure.

But CIPP isn’t the only option available to clients. SIPP is on the rise, mimicking some of the benefits of CIPP by creating a new layer on the inside of the pipe. SIPP, which stands for Spray-In-Place Pipe, is a solution which involves spraying a polymer blend around the inside of the pipe to secure any cracks and gaps.

So, which is better for your project? Let’s take a look at the benefits and potential challenges of both.


The Benefits of Trenchless Technology

Both CIPP and SIPP represent an innovative approach to pipe rehabilitation and repair, which reduces the need for extensive digging, pipe removal and the sourcing of entirely new structures.

While a full pipe replacement can take days or even weeks of work and requires a vast budget to cover road closures and both the machinery and manpower needed to get the job done, pipe repair can be conducted efficiently and with minimal disruption.


Advantages of SIPP Lining

To consider SIPP specifically, one of the main benefits is the versatile range of applications that such a solution can be suited for. Because SIPP involves spraying rather than feeding a specially designed material into the pipe, it can be easier to use in small pipes and in difficult-to-reach lengths of damaged pipe.

What’s more, the polymer that’s used in SIPP repair is proven to deliver a durable and corrosion-free solution within the pipe. Pipes which are repaired and brought back to full use with SIPP solutions are resistant to abrasion and chemical damage – and can withstand pressure both inside and outside of the pipe.


Why CIPP is Our Recommended Pipe Rehabilitation Solution

CIPP, on the other hand, involves a material which is fed into the pipe and activated once in place – as opposed to be sprayed in. While SIPP can sometimes result in over-spraying, especially when being handled by inexperienced engineers, CIPP creates a consistent new layer of pipe inside the existing structure – with a versatile material which is well suited to all manner of pipes from sewage systems to water and drainage networks and more.

Some of the other benefits directly attributed to CIPP solutions include faster application thanks to the pre-engineered felt, and a broader approach to application in that CIPP can be used across virtually all pipelines while SIPP is less effective when used against some linings and materials.

In short, while both CIPP and SIPP offer solutions for pipe repair and rehabilitation, bringing damaged systems and pipe networks back to life in record time, CIPP is considered a more accessible and user friendly solution that can be conducted by a team of experts or by your own inhouse professionals.

Here at Insituform, we offer a full CIPP installation service as well as training for existing engineering teams, ensuring all projects are delivered and finished to the standard that we expect. For more information on the cost of CIPP solutions and to discuss your specific project needs and requirements, get in touch with Insituform.

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