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Más de 50 años de experiencia en rehabilitación de tuberías

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Aprenda más acerca de rehabilitación de tuberías, tecnologías sin zanja, la sostenabilidad de soluciones CIPP y más.

Trenchless pipe repair technology is, by definition, a no-dig solution. It enables underground pipes to be repaired, rehabilitated, and restored to full use without the need for excavation – thereby

While it may seem like just one word in the title of this article, the use of the term ‘restoration’ is arguably the most important part of this topic and

The biggest innovation in the pipe repair industry is concealed in the very title of this article. Trenchless technology makes it possible for damaged pipes to be rehabilitated and repaired

Trenchless technology has become a bit of a modern buzzword in the engineering sector, as more and more firms look to reduce their environmental impact and offer more sustainable solutions.

A damaged or even broken pipe can wreak havoc on surrounding infrastructure, public spaces and highways, local businesses, and so much more; causing leaks, floods, and unstable foundations. And that’s

When trenchless technology was first developed by leading pioneer and engineer Eric Wood, nobody could have anticipated how much the market would change as a result of his invention. What’s

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