julio 4, 2024

Insituform: All You Need to Know About the Pioneers of CIPP Linings

Insituform is a leading manufacturer of CIPP, Cured-in-Place Pipe liners.

Not only does Insituform manufacture and make CIPP felt liners and other solutions, we are the founding pioneers of modern CIPP solutions for the engineering industry.

In this blog, we’re taking you through our history and some of the key selling points of our CIPP liners, so that you know exactly what you’re getting when you partner with or buy from us.


The History of Insituform

Insituform was founded in 1971 when Eric Wood developed and invented the concept of a CIPP solution.

The aim was always to create a solution for damaged pipes which could be installed using trenchless technology,  thereby reducing the financial and environmental impact of traditional pipe excavation and replacement or repair work. Sustainability and efficiency were driving forces behind Eric Wood’s original invention, with the following 50+ years only serving to improve and continually revolutionise that founding principle.

Over time, the brand developed alongside the product. The conversation around sustainability and the cost saving benefits of Insituform take centre stage in the industry. Local councils, government officials, and engineers alike were seeking innovative ways of replacing and reinstating pipes and drainage networks to full working order without high levels of disruption, all while cutting costs.

Which is why, around 2009, we changed our strategic direction towards manufacturing and the rollout of products to transform and improve the industry. We found that with the right training, engineers could use our products in their own projects with the support of our own inhouse installation team and advisory professionals.


What is CIPP lining and why is it different?

To understand Insituform and our work, you need to know exactly what CIPP is and how it works.

Prior to the formation of CIPP solutions, broken and damaged pipes had to be excavated and replaced with new ones, or else repaired above ground. The impact of this on the budget sheet of local highways teams and councils, not to mention the extensive disruption and work involved in digging up these pipes, meant that projects had been growing increasingly expensive and difficult to manage.

CIPP is an alternative solution which uses a felt pipe liner, carefully embedded with a resin which holds the key to long-term pipe rehabilitation. This pipe liner is fed into the damaged pipe where the resin is then activated using a high pressure jet of hot water or steam, fixing itself to the inside walls of the pipe and creating a new layer. Once the resin has cooled, which takes very little time, the pipe is ready to restore to full use.

What all of this tells you is that CIPP represents three key differences:

  1.     Pipes can be repaired without digging up any surrounding ground.
  2.     The repair process is quick and easy.
  3.     Limited resources are required, further minimising the cost.

Not to mention, the longevity of the solution means that pipe maintenance is exponentially easier to manage once CIPP liners have been installed.


The Insituform Legacy: Working with us

Insituform transformed the industry and as a result, there are several other manufacturers who offer a similar product that uses the same underlying principle and concept.

So, what is the Insituform legacy that makes working with our company so much better?

At Insituform, we are the pioneers behind CIPP liner solutions. This means that we understand the technology and its benefits inside out and are well positioned to continue developing new products while teaching engineers around the world how to optimise their pipe rehabilitation processes using our liners.

We have also developed various ranges which meet different needs and tick different boxes and are continuing to work on projects which support sustainability benefits. 

CIPP came from Insituform. There is no company better placed to help you make the system work for you. 

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