Oktober 21, 2024

History of Trenchless Technology

When trenchless technology was first developed by leading pioneer and engineer Eric Wood, nobody could have anticipated how much the market would change as a result of his invention.

What’s more, trenchless technology was not so much an idea born from nowhere as it was a response to a need that arose when Wood was dealing with a challengingly located air duct.

But more on that later. Before we dive into the story behind the rise of CIPP and the role that Eric Wood – and eventually Insituform – played in that solution, it’s important to understand how damaged and broken pipes were dealt with prior to trenchless technology.

What is Trenchless Technology?

Trenchless technology is an alternative solution to traditional pipe replacement, which has always involved excavating, digging up, removing, and then replacing a section of broken pipe manually. Not just time consuming but also costly and incredibly disruptive to local surroundings – including businesses and environments – this traditional approach to pipe replacement represents logistical and environmental challenges.

Trenchless technology offers an alternative approach which allows a damaged or even broken pipe to be restored and rehabilitated rather than replaced.

It relies on a uniquely designed felt, embedded with resin, being fed into the damaged section of the pipe and then activated in place. The solution, termed a CIPP liner (Cured-In-Place Pipeliner) owes its name to this process, whereby the new layer of pipe is cured in situ and once it has been fed into the damaged pipe.

The concept of trenchless technology is born from the simple fact that this entire process can be carried out from the engineers’ position above ground – without needing to dig up or even expose the pipe to the surface.

The Role of Insituform

With all this in mind, and with a better understanding of trenchless technology and how it revolutionised the industry, what role does Insituform play?

Insituform is the company that was dreamed up by the innovator Eric Wood, who first brought the idea of a cured-in-place solution to life.

Eric Wood was facing a particularly challenging damaged air duct which needed replacing but was located in such a way that it couldn’t easily be excavated. Wood therefore devised a way of re-stabilising the pipe’s infrastructure and its strength via a cured-in-place solution.

And so, in 1971, CIPP liners were first made available on the market.

Fun fact: Break our company name down into its individual components and you will better see its relevance. In-Situ-Form literally refers to a solution that is formed “in situ”.

How Trenchless Technology Has Developed Since 1971

Ever since Eric Wood’s invention was released into the world of engineering, offering a way to rehabilitate rather than replace damaged pipes, here at Insituform we have continued to develop the concept to make the solution more accessible and more versatile.

With the very first pipe to have been rehabilitated using CIPP liners still in excellent working order today, we know that our solutions work and are both long lasting and incredibly efficient.

At Insituform, we pride ourselves on the rollout of an ever-growing collection of CIPP liners to fit different pipes in terms of diameter and size, material, and location. We also offer comprehensive training to engineers and teams that want to be able to install CIPP liners themselves – or we can send a team out to activate the liners on your behalf.

Suffice to say, with such a proactive role in the history of CIPP liners and trenchless technology, Insituform is the one to watch when it comes to innovative releases and the continued development of this industry. Look out for future blogs and updates from us on what’s next!  

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